NeXstep Real Estate Group Denver Area Real Estate Wed, 19 Mar 2025 19:32:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NeXstep Real Estate Group 32 32 Carolyn’s Critical Role as your REALTOR® Wed, 19 Mar 2025 18:55:22 +0000 THE CRITICAL ROLE OF THE REALTOR® IN THE RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION…

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Below is a list of more than 230 possible actions, research steps, procedures, processes, and review stages that a REALTOR® may provide in a typical, successful residential real estate transaction.

As residential real estate transactions can vary, each action, step, or process may not be mandatory in every residential transaction. However, this list underscores the importance of having the help and guidance of a professional who understands the residential real estate sales process.

REALTORS® are members of the National Association of REALTORS® and pledge to uphold the stringent, enforceable tenets of the REALTOR® Code of Ethics in their professional dealings with the public.



  1. Contact property owner(s) and make appointment with seller(s) for listing presentation.
  2. Send seller(s) confirmation of listing appointment and call to confirm.
  3. Review pre-appointment questions.
  4. Research appropriate sampling of currently listed comparable properties (i.e., appropriate by property type, price range, and location).
  5. Research trends and sales activity for an appropriate period (past three to six months is recommended) from MLS and public records databases.
  6. Research “average days on market” for the property type, price range, and location.
  7. Download and review property tax roll information.
  8. Research property’s public record information for ownership and deed type.
  9. Research property’s public record information for lot size and dimensions.
  10. Research and verify legal description.
  11. Research property’s land use coding and deed restrictions
  12. Research property’s current use and zoning.
  13. Ascertain need for lead-based paint disclosure.
  14. Prepare market analysis to establish broker opinion of value.
  15. Prepare listing-presentation package with above materials.
  16. Perform exterior “curb-appeal assessment” of subject property.
  17. Verify public-school zoning and discuss with the seller(s) the impact of school districts on market value determination.
  18. Review listing-appointment checklist to verify that all steps and actions have been complete.


  1. Review broker’s and company’s credentials and accomplishments in the market with seller(s).
  2. Present company’s profile and position of “niche” in the marketplace.
  3. Give seller(s) an overview and projections of current market conditions.
  4. Present market analysis results to seller(s), including sold comparables, current listings, and expired.
  5. Offer pricing strategy based on professional judgment and interpretation of current market conditions.
  6. Discuss goals with seller(s) to market effectively.
  7. Explain marketing power and benefits of the MLS.
  8. Explain the different marketing options and their effectiveness.
  9. Explain work the brokerage does “behind the scenes” and the broker’s availability on weekends.
  10. Explain brokerages role in taking calls to screen for qualified buyers and to protect seller(s) from curiosity seekers.
  11. Present and discuss strategic master marketing plan.
  12. Review results of curb-appeal assessment with seller(s) and provide suggestions to improve sale-ability.
  13. Research and verify city sewer/septic tank Verify when property’s septic system was last pumped or inspected.
  14. Well water: Confirm well status, depth, and output from third-party well report
  15. Natural gas: Research/verify the availability of natural gas and supplier’s name and phone number.
  16. Verify security system, current term of service, and determine if it’s owned or leased.
  17. Verify if seller(s) has transferable termite bond – obtain a copy of the terms and conditions of bond that may be available to buyer(s).
  18. Discuss home-warranty program with homeowner.
  19. Verify if property has rental units involved.
  20. Make copies of all leases for retention in listing file.
  21. Verify all rents and all deposits.
  22. Assess interior décor and suggest changes.
  23. Prepare net sheet for seller(s).
  24. Review accuracy of current title information with (If possible, obtain copies of seller(s)’ deed, owner’s title insurance policy, and most-recent survey.)
  25. Verify names of owner(s) as they appear in county’s public property records.
  26. Verify with seller(s) if there are any outstanding or expired construction permits or if any changes have been made to the property since the seller(s) purchased the property.
  27. Obtain copy of current Title Insurance Policy.
  28. Complete listing contract and addenda (using names of seller(s) as they appear on deed or title policy). Obtain seller(s)’ signature(s) on the listing agreement and return a signed copy of the listing contract to the seller(s). (If property is jointly owned, all owners should sign listing agreement.)
  29. Review with seller(s) the standard closing costs and pro-rations typical to the HUD statements.
  30. Obtain seller(s)’ permission to use a lock box.
  31. Measure interior room sizes.
  32. Confirm lot size via owner’s copy of certified survey, if available.
  33. Note any and all unrecorded property lines, agreements, and easements that are known to the seller if they are not otherwise noted.
  34. Obtain house plans, if applicable and available.
  35. Review house plans and make a copy.


  1. Compile and assemble formal file on property.
  2. Obtain copy of subdivision plat/complex layout.
  3. Verify with seller(s) if there are any outstanding or expired construction permits or if any changes have been made to the property since the seller(s) purchased the property.
  4. Obtain copy of current title insurance policy.
  5. Provide seller(s) with a copy of a blank sales contract to review in preparation of their receipt of an offer.
  6. Inform tenants of listing and discuss how showings will be handled.
  7. Arrange for installation of yard sign.
  8. Have seller(s) complete the seller(s)’ disclosure form.


  1. Order plat map for retention in property’s listing file.
  2. Prepare showing instructions for buyer(s)’ broker and agree on showing-time window with seller(s).
  3. Install electronic lock box and program the lock box with agreed-upon showing-time windows.
  4. Obtain current mortgage loan(s) information: companies and loan account numbers.
  5. Verify current loan information with lender(s).
  6. Identify homeowner association manager, if applicable.
  7. Verify homeowner association fees and pending or unpaid assessments
    with homeowner association manager.
  8. Research electricity availability and supplier’s name and phone number.
  9. Prepare detailed list of property amenities and assess market impact.
  10. Prepare detailed list of property’s “inclusions and conveyances with sale.”
  11. Compile list of completed repairs and maintenance items.
  12. Explain benefits of homeowner warranty to seller(s).
  13. Assist sellers with completion and submission of homeowner-warranty application.
  14. Place homeowner warranty in property file for conveyance at time of sale.
  15. Make extra key for lockbox.
  16. Place a copy of the seller(s)’ completed disclosure form in the property file.
  17. Arrange for interior and exterior photos to be taken for MLS listing.
  18. Arrange for creation of a virtual tour if one will be used in marketing the property.
  19. Complete a new-listing checklist.
  20. Enter listing into office records and/or create listing file.


  1. Prepare “MLS profile ” (Listing broker is responsible for “quality control” and accuracy of listing data).
  2. Enter property data from profile sheet into MLS listing database.
  3. Proofread MLS database listing for accuracy, including proper placement in mapping function.
  4. Take additional photos of the property to upload into MLS and for use in flyers.
  5. Provide seller(s) with a copy of the MLS profile sheet data form.
  6. Add property to company’s active listings list.


  1. Create print and Internet ads with seller(s)’ input and approval.
  2. Provide “special feature” cards for marketing, if applicable.
  3. Submit ads to company’s participating Internet real estate sites.
  4. Reprint/supply brochures promptly as needed.
  5. Create QR codes.
  6. Prepare mailing and contact list.
  7. Generate mail-merge letters to contact list.
  8. Order “just listed” labels and reports.
  9. Prepare flyers.
  10. Prepare property marketing brochure for seller(s)’ review.
  11. Order an appropriate quantity of marketing brochures or flyers.
  12. E-mail marketing material to brokers and agents with marketing material.
  13. Upload listing to company and broker’s Internet site, if applicable.
  14. Mail out “just listed” notice to all neighborhood residents.
  15. Inform Network Referral Program of listing.
  16. Coordinate showings with owners, tenants, and other REALTORS®. Return all calls promptly (weekends included).
  17. Provide showing time comments and feedback to seller(s) and recommend changes according to potential buyer comments.
  18. Review comparable MLS listings and new trends regularly to verify property remains competitive in price, terms, conditions, and availability.
  19. Provide marketing data to buyers coming through international relocation networks.
  20. Provide marketing data to buyers coming from referral network.
  21. Convey price changes promptly to all Internet groups.
  22. Request feedback from buyers’ brokers after showings.
  23. Review weekly market study reports.
  24. Discuss feedback from showing sales associates with seller(s) to determine if changes will accelerate the sale.
  25. Call seller(s) weekly to discuss marketing and pricing.
  26. Promptly enter price changes in MLS listing database.


  1. Verify proper licensure of buyer’s broker and salesperson.
  2. Obtain a signed and dated verification that escrow deposit was delivered to escrow agency.
  3. Receive and review all offer to purchase contracts submitted by buyers or buyers’ brokers.
  4. Evaluate offer(s) and prepare a “net sheet” on each offer, for the seller(s) to make comparisons.
  5. Review offers with seller(s) and review merits and weaknesses of each component of each offer.
  6. Contact buyers’ broker to review buyer(s)’ qualifications and discuss offer.
  7. Provide seller(s)’ disclosure to buyer(s)’ broker or buyer upon request (prior to offer if possible).
  8. Confirm buyer(s) is pre-approved by contacting lender.
  9. Obtain a copy of the buyer(s)’ pre-approval letter from lender.
  10. Negotiate all offers and counteroffers on seller(s)’ behalf.
  11. Prepare and convey any counteroffers, acceptance, or amendments to buyer(s)’ broker.
  12. When offer to purchase is accepted and signed by seller(s) (“contract”), deliver contract to selling/buyer(s)’ broker or if none, to buyer(s).
  13. Verify contract is signed by all parties.
  14. Provide copies of the contract and all addenda to closing attorney and the title company.
  15. Record and promptly deposit buyer(s)’ earnest money with escrow agent.
  16. Disseminate “under-contract showing restrictions” as seller(s) requests.
  17. Deliver copies of signed contract to seller(s).
  18. Provide copies of contract to lender.
  19. Inform seller(s) how to handle additional offers to purchase submitted between effective date of contract and closing.
  20. Change status in MLS to “sale pending”.
  21. Update listing file to show “sale pending”.


  1. Contact buyer(s)’ lender weekly to verify processing is on track.
  2. Follow buyer(s)’ loan processing through to the underwriter.
  3. Relay final approval of buyer(s)’ loan application to seller(s).


  1. Coordinate buyer(s)’ professional home and termite (WDO) inspections with seller(s).
  2. If property is vacant, arrange for power and water to be turned on.
  3. Review home inspector’s report and WDO report with seller(s) and discuss issues and options, if needed.
  4. Enter home inspection WDO inspection completion into listing file.
  5. Verify seller(s)’ compliance with home inspection report and WDO report repair requirements.
  6. Recommend or assist seller(s) with identifying trustworthy contractors to perform any required repairs.
  7. Obtain copies of repair bills showing seller(s) has made required repairs.
  8. Coordinate entry into the property and buyer’s review of completed repairs, if needed.


  1. Make arrangements for appraiser to enter property.
  2. Follow-up on appraisal.
  3. Enter appraisal completion into listing file.
  4. Discuss appraisal report with seller(s) and suggest options, if neccessary.


  1. Distribute signed contracts to all involved parties (buyer, seller(s), title company, lender, seller(s)/buyer(s) broker, closing agent) and provide contact information as needed.
  2. Coordinate closing process with buyer(s)’ broker and lender.
  3. Update closing forms and files.
  4. Confirm location, date, and time where closing will be held and notify all parties.
  5. Confirm with closing agent that all title problems have been resolved.
  6. Confirm that the seller has the proper Power of Attorney or trust documents, as required.
  7. Work with buyer(s)’ broker in scheduling and conducting buyer(s)’ final walk-through prior to closing.
  8. Confirm with closing agent that all tax, HOA, utility, and other applicable pro-rations have been resolved.
  9. Request final closing figures from closing agent.
  10. Review closing figures on HUD statement with seller(s) to verify accuracy of preparation.
  11. Forward verified closing figures to buyer(s)’ broker and confirm buyer(s)’ broker has received and reviewed closing figures.
  12. Confirm buyer(s) and Buyer(s)’ broker has received title insurance commitment.
  13. Provide homeowners warranty for availability at closing.
  14. Recommend courtesy closing agent for absentee seller(s), as needed.
  15. Review closing documents with seller(s) and their counsel.
  16. Provide earnest money deposit check from escrow account to closing If closing agent is holding escrow funds make sure it appears on the final HUD.
  17. Coordinate this closing with seller(s)’ next purchase and resolve any timing problems, if applicable.
  18. Confirm seller(s)’ net proceeds check at closing.


  1. Provide REALTOR® referral information for seller(s)’ relocation destination, if applicable.
  2. Change MLS status to “sold.” Enter sale date, price, selling broker, and listing broker’s ID numbers, etc.
  3. Close out listing in company files.
  4. Follow up with seller(s).



  1. Respond to prospective buyer(s) inquiries.
  2. Interview the buyer(s) prospect and obtain buyer(s) personal information and explain the homebuying process.
  3. Determine if REALTOR® has a conflicting brokerage relationship or other conflict of interest with the buyer(s).
  4. Discuss the pre-approval financial process with the buyer(s).
  5. Suggest at least three mortgage lenders to assist buyer(s) in becoming pre-approved.
  6. Determine through discovery the buyer(s)’ preferences in a home as well as the location, price, size, type of home, special needs, and ADA accommodations etc.


  1. Obtain and review pre-approval letter from lender.
  2. Search the MLS for properties that meet the buyer(s)’ criteria.
  3. Make appointments with seller(s) or seller(s)’ listing broker to show the properties selected by the buyer(s).
  4. Show the buyer(s) their selected properties.


  1. Obtain a “good faith estimate” from the buyer(s)’ lender for the target purchase price and review with buyer(s).
  2. Meet with buyer(s) to preview offer, contract form, addenda, and miscellaneous forms.
  3. Complete offer to purchase and all addenda.
  4. Provide seller(s)’ disclosure forms to buyer(s).
  5. Submit offer to purchase signed by buyer(s) to seller(s)’ broker.
  6. Provide credit report information to seller(s) if property will be seller-financed.
  7. Provide buyer(s) a copy of all forms used in making the offer.
  8. Negotiate all offers on buyer(s)’ behalf.
  9. Prepare and convey any counteroffers, acceptance, or amendments to seller(s)’ broker.
  10. Verify final offer is signed by all parties (“contract”), and that all necessary documents are attached.
  11. Deliver fully signed and initialed contract to buyer.
  12. Distribute signed contracts to all involved parties (buyer(s), seller(s), title company, lender, seller(s)/buyer(s) broker, and closing agent) and provide contact information as needed.
  13. Record and promptly deposit buyer(s)’ earnest money in escrow account or deliver to closing agent and obtain a receipt.
  14. Provide receipt of escrow deposit to seller(s)’ broker.
  15. Place copies of signed contract in office file.
  16. Inform buyer(s) of additional offers to purchase that are submitted between effective date of contract and closing.
  17. Update listing file to show “sale pending.”


  1. Provide buyer(s) with at least three home inspection companies and three WDO inspection companies from which to select.
  2. Coordinate buyer(s)’ professional home and WDO inspection with seller(s)’ broker.
  3. Review home and WDO inspection reports with buyer.
  4. Enter completion of home and WDO inspection reports into the listing file.
  5. Order septic system, well, or mold inspections, if applicable.
  6. Receive and review septic system, well, or mold reports with buyer(s) and note any possible impact on sale.
  7. Provide copy of septic system, well and mold inspection reports, if any, to lender and seller(s).
  8. Verify seller(s)’ compliance with all inspection repair requirements.


  1. Coordinate with lender on discount points being locked in with dates.
  2. Confirm verifications of deposit and buyer(s)’ employment have been returned.
  3. Contact lender weekly to verify processing is on track.
  4. Follow loan processing through to the underwriter.
  5. Relay final approval of buyer(s)’ loan application to seller(s).


  1. Schedule appraisal with seller(s) or seller(s)’ broker.
  2. Inform buyer(s) of options if appraisal report is different than the contract/purchase price.
  3. Provide comparable sales used in market pricing to appraiser.
  4. Follow-up on appraisal until completed.
  5. Enter completion into the listing file.


  1. Coordinate closing process with seller(s)’ broker, lender, and closing agent.
  2. Update closing forms and files.
  3. Verify all parties have all forms and information needed to close the sale.
  4. Assist in obtaining power of attorney or trust documents, as required.
  5. Work with seller(s)’ broker in scheduling and conducting buyer(s)’ final walk-through prior to closing.
  6. Confirm buyer(s) has received title insurance commitment.
  7. Confirm location, date, and time where closing will be held and notify all parties.
  8. Confirm with closing agent that all tax, HOA, utility, and other applicable pro-rations have been resolved.
  9. Request final closing figures from closing agent.
  10. Review and verify closing figures on HUD statement with buyer(s).
  11. Forward verified closing figures to seller(s)’ broker and confirm seller(s)’ broker has received and reviewed closing figures.
  12. Verify that seller(s)’ broker has provided homeowners warranty, if purchased, at closing.
  13. Forward closing documents to absentee buyer(s) as requested, if applicable.
  14. Provide earnest money deposit check from escrow account to closing If closing agent is holding escrow funds make sure it appears on the final HUD.
  15. Confirm collected funds from buyer(s) are available for closing.
  16. Explain filing for homestead exemption.
  17. Verify transfer of all keys (house, mailbox, and HOA/community), garage- door openers, HOA/security/gate access codes, pool equipment, and appliance manuals.
  18. Close out listing.


  1. Assist with filing claims with homeowner’s warranty company, if requested.
  2. Respond to any follow-up calls and provide any additional information required from office files.
  3. Follow up with buyer(s).

In addition to the above activities/services which may be performed by a REALTOR® during a real estate transaction, today’s real estate market requires REALTORS® to offer additional assistance when the transaction involves short sales, foreclosures, or bank-owned properties.

Also, during the marketing process, homeowners may be in need of property-management services which REALTORS® also perform. Whether you are buying, selling, or in need of a property manager, we encourage you to discuss with your REALTOR® in detail what additional services may be necessary for you to accomplish your objective.

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Title Services Tue, 18 Mar 2025 16:34:28 +0000 Tanya Lucero President Exact Title LLC 303.204.9347 Tanya’s Bio: With…

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Tanya Lucero
Exact Title LLC


Tanya’s Bio:
With 27+ years of title industry experience, Tanya Lucero brings dynamic leadership, entrepreneurial spirit, and a commitment to exceptional customer service. Tanya has achieved remarkable milestones, built departments, managed employees, and established a training program for a 500+ employee company. As a visionary leader, her expertise at Exact Title will drive industry excellence. Outside of work, she enjoys raising six children, spending time with grandchildren, and cherishing 30 years of marriage.

Why Choose Us?

  • Competitive Title Rates and Closing Fees
  • Boutique Closing Services – We travel to you!
  • Multiple options for in-office closings
  • Options for Remote Closings
  • Efficient turn times and thoughtful, responsive communication

Exact Title Info: 

  • #1 National Underwriter: Fidelity
  • #1 and #3 Independent Underwriters: Alliant & Westcor
  • #1 National Bank – Chase
  • Closing Staff – Seasoned veterans with an average of 18 years in the industry
  • HOA Document Retrieval: Association Online

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Investment Property Services Tue, 18 Mar 2025 16:26:50 +0000 Clint Sales Broker Agent NeXstep Real Estate Group Cell: 720-939.2879 Office: 303.398.7012…

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Clint Sales
Broker Agent
NeXstep Real Estate Group

Cell: 720-939.2879
Office: 303.398.7012

Dynamic and results-driven professional with over 25 years of experience in property management, real estate investment, and insurance. Proven track record in building and managing successful businesses, with a strong focus on real estate investors and commercial clients. Adept at overseeing property renovations, maximizing rental income, and managing both single family and multi-family properties. Skilled in team leadership, financial management, and customer relations.  Ready to leverage extensive experience and expertise to establish and grow a new property management company.

Founder & Owner, Real Estate Investment Company
2014 – Present

  • Successfully started and managed a real
    estate investment company
  • Focused on single-family and multi-family
  • Oversaw multiple rehab projects,
    specializing in value-add renovations
  • Maximized rental income through strategic
    property improvements

Developed focused strategies around
tenant procurement, property marketing,
increased owner revenue

District Manager, Farmers Insurance
2011 – 2022

  • Built and led teams to achieve quotas and
  • Implemented multiple strategies of risk
  • Develop strategies to drive significant
    business growth

Multiple Investment Property Owner
1997 – Present

  • Owned and managed rental properties for
    over 25 years
  • Experienced in tenant relations, property
    maintenance, and financial management


  • Property Management and Maintenance
  • Tenant Relations and Customer Service
  • Financial Management and Budgeting
  • Marketing and Leasing Strategies
  • Legal Knowledge and Compliance
  • Organizational and Project Management
  • Technology Proficiency in Property
    Management Software
  • Value-Add Renovations and Rental Income


  • Graduated from Northern Arizona
    University with a degree in Business/Hotel
    and Restaurant Management
  • Certified Property Manager (CPM)
  • Real Estate License

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General Contracting Services Tue, 18 Mar 2025 16:15:54 +0000 Nathan Beauchamp Lead Estimator Green Gable Restoration Cell: 720.318.7225 Office: 720.504.5023…

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Nathan Beauchamp
Lead Estimator
Green Gable Restoration

Cell: 720.318.7225
Office: 720.504.5023

We Make Home Feel Like Home Again


  • Home Remodeling
    • Kitchens
    • Bathrooms
    • Basements
    • Flooring
  • Restoration
    • Water Loss
    • Fire Loss
    • Smoke Mitigation
    • Contents Cleaning
  • Exteriors
    • Roofing
    • Siding
    • Decks
    • Gazebos

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Reverse Mortgage Services Tue, 18 Mar 2025 16:09:35 +0000 Laurie Gallegos Loan Officer/Reverse Mortgage Specialist – NMLS 2339341 Zenith Reverse…

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Laurie Gallegos
Loan Officer/Reverse Mortgage Specialist – NMLS 2339341
Zenith Reverse

What is YOUR Strategy to Secure Your Retirement? 

Providing Reverse Mortgage Education to the Senior Community and their Families. What they are, how they work and who they work best for.  Let me help you understand the life changing benefits of a Reverse Mortgage.

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Mortgage Services Tue, 18 Mar 2025 16:03:06 +0000 Jessica Glaeser Loan Officer – NMLS 2263464 Elevations Credit Union 720.722.1116…

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Jessica Glaeser
Loan Officer – NMLS 2263464
Elevations Credit Union


With a rich history of serving clients, Jessica Glaeser’s top priority is to ensure a low
stress lending process. Nicknamed “Low-Stress Jess,” she uses a comprehensive
system of processes and communication to ensure all her clients enjoy a calm
lending process that helps them achieve their goals.

Jessica has been serving clients for 25 years, including as an executive assistant to
multiple CEOs. Her experience extends to the mental health and non-profit industries,
where she helped the most vulnerable and marginalized populations both stateside
and abroad. She describes herself as passionate, tenacious, caring, authentic, driven
and dependable.

Community involvement is a big part of Jessica’s life. Jessica helps her community as
a foster mom and fundraiser for Big Bones Canine Rescue, serves on the IDEA
Committee for SMDRA, and helps teach youth about financial decisions with multiple
organizations. Additionally, she leads the Walk and Talk-o Meetup. In her free time,
Jessica enjoys time with family, the outdoors and blind-tasting wine.

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Insurance Services Tue, 18 Mar 2025 15:48:03 +0000 Janelle Zimonick Insurance Broker Equity Insurance Group 720.659.3735 An Unwavering…

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Janelle Zimonick
Insurance Broker
Equity Insurance Group


An Unwavering Commitment to Excellence

We are not just insurance providers, we are go-getters with years of experience in the pursuit of securing your peace of mind while saving you from unnecessary expenses. Our approach is dynamic, always pushing boundaries to deliver insurance solutions that adapt to the twists and turns of life. Expertise in motion is our mantra – we thrive on staying ahead of the curve, anticipating your needs, and providing innovative coverage.

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Woodworking Services Tue, 18 Mar 2025 15:38:35 +0000 Daniel Hanten II Owner & Licensed Professional Engineer Hanten Woodworking 720.505.3116…

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Daniel Hanten II
Owner & Licensed Professional Engineer
Hanten Woodworking


Serving the Centennial, Aurora, Parker, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Greenwood Village, and the Denver Metro Area

Daniel operates Hanten Woodworking based on these key principles:

  • We aim to never mark up material costs for more than our customers would
    pay for materials. It’s just the right thing to do.
  • Customers who live within our service area should never have to pay for
    consultations, estimates, or design work.
  • Overhead costs are the cost of doing business. Having a one-man shop means
    no overhead EVER.
  • Subcontracting is not what we do; we are upfront and honest about what is
    within our scope.
  • A systematic approach to the order of projects booked. We require a 50%
    non-refundable deposit to ensure two things:

    • Regardless of the project’s size, scale, and scope, once a deposit is
      received in full, it determines a customer’s spot “in line.” There is no “paying
      more” to get in sooner.
    • The invoice we will send you is what you ultimately pay as long as there
      are no changes to the scope. If the materials costs go up and we cannot
      get to your project before the rise in costs, that is on us.
  • If a customer is unhappy with what we deliver, we take responsibility and do our
    best to correct the issue. It’s just the right thing to do.

If you want to bring your ideas to life, Hanten Woodworking is here to help. We look
forward to working with you.

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Nervana Health Clinic Tue, 18 Mar 2025 15:24:37 +0000 Dr. Robert Gabriel Nervana Health Clinic 720-988-7956 Our Mission is to…

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Dr. Robert Gabriel
Nervana Health Clinic


Our Mission is to help people find natural, drug-free, surgery-free solutions to their health problems, so that they may enjoy their lives again.

Symptoms We Work On: 

  • Back Pain
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Arm/Shoulder Pain
  • Concussion Syndrome
  • Anxiety
  • Neck Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Neuropathy
  • Knee Problems
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Plantar Fasciitis

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Mortgage Services Tue, 18 Mar 2025 15:16:56 +0000 Cole Thimsen Loan Officer – NMLS 197735 Fairway Mortgage 720-960-1380…

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Cole Thimsen
Loan Officer – NMLS 197735
Fairway Mortgage


Attention to Detail, Quick Closings and a Seamless Experience

  • Certified Mortgage Advisor™ with more than 20 years of lending experience
  • Highly attentive to client needs — with a focus on delivering exceptional service
  • 100% on-time closings since joining Fairway in 2015 — strong attention to detail
  • Lightning-fast closings — contract to close in as little as two weeks!
  • The Fairway Advantage® Pre-Approval* — The buyer’s loan is underwritten and conditionally approved PRIOR to making offers.
  • The Fairway Cash Guarantee™ — Fairway will buy the home or provide the seller with $10,000 should the buyer’s financing fall through for any reason.
  • Milestone updates throughout the loan process — update calls made to all parties upon each loan
    milestone being met

    • Loan is in Processing
    • Appraisal ordered
    • Loan is conditionally approved
    • Appraisal received
    • Loan is Clear to Close
  • Affiliate appraisal management company — local, well-seasoned appraisers help ensure fast turn times
  • Docs to title and buyer 3-5 days before loan closing — wire sent to title the day before closing
  • Effective client consultation — ensuring clients are educated, well-informed and properly advised of their options
  • Proactive communication — contact made with listing agent at time of offer to increase offer acceptance

The post Mortgage Services appeared first on NeXstep Real Estate Group.

Denver Metro 6 County Inventory Count Wed, 01 Jan 2025 15:22:47 +0000 Market Fun Facts (12/05/24): The Holidays are officially underway!  What affect will this have on our real estate market as we enter into the final month of 2024?  To answer this question NeXstep continues to monitor inventory levels across the 6 County Denver Metro. For the the second time in the past two months we see a decrease in inventory levels; active listings are down by -1718 listing for a total of 8375 active homes for sale.  This is the first time in 3 months that we have dropped below the 10K inventory levels.  Sold homes had a decrease in sales; down by -477 sales for a total of 2984 sold units. 

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Market Fun Facts (12/05/24): The Holidays are officially underway!  What affect will this have on our real estate market as we enter into the final month of 2024?  To answer this question NeXstep continues to monitor inventory levels across the 6 County Denver Metro. For the the second time in the past two months we see a decrease in inventory levels; active listings are down by -1718 listing for a total of 8375 active homes for sale.  This is the first time in 3 months that we have dropped below the 10K inventory levels.  Sold homes had a decrease in sales; down by -477 sales for a total of 2984 sold units.  The decrease in home sales and the decrease in active homes for sale has lowered our monthly absorption rate from 2.77 months to 2.75 months.  Jefferson county now has the lowest absorption rate at 1.97 months and Denver county has the highest rate at 3.4 months. Denver County leads with the most active listings at 2,372 and Broomfield County continues to have the fewest listings at 182.  Current publications indicate a balanced real estate market would need a minimum of 18,000 listings.  Thinking about selling…let’s talk!

What do these numbers mean? To help understand what these numbers mean to our local markets we are now including the number of sold comps during the past 30 days or 1 month.  Looking at our sold numbers over the past month allows us to calculate a monthly absorption rate.  An absorption rate tells us how many months it would take to sell off our entire inventory should we have no new listings.  A balanced market is considered 6 months.

County Sold Active Absorption Rate
Adams 533 1288 2.42
Arapahoe 592 1433 2.42
Broomfield 77 148 1.92
Denver 660 1729 2.62
Douglas 464 1,048 2.26
Jefferson 544 955 1.76
Total 2,870 6,601 2.23

2024 Year End Narrative

As we closed out 2024, the final week of the year brought the usual mix of seasonal quiet and significant market milestones. The trifecta of holidays—Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa—followed by New Year celebrations, historically represents the least active period in the market. Sellers, after seeing limited showing activity and preparing for the festivities, often pulled listings from the market or held off listing altogether in hopes of better conditions in the New Year.

Residential resale inventory in the 7 metro Denver counties has dropped from its peak of 10,617 homes for sale on October 16, 2024 to 6,723 as of December 31, 2024 marking a decline of 37%.

What makes December 31st at midnight remarkable is not just that we get to put 2024 behind us and we all start back at zero, but also this day historically represents the single highest day of the year for listings to expire. This year was no exception and on the final day of 2024, 829 units expired.

2024 Saw a notably higher level of expired listings on the last day of the year, nearly double the amount recorded in 2022 and in 2023. The rise in expired listings this year likely due to the elevated amount of inventory we have reported since April of 2024, with more inventory and the buyer pool continuing to be lower for the third year in a row it’s not shocking that we had more listings expire.

Diving deeper into expired listings, looking back at the number of expired listings in Q4 of 2023 in the 7 metro counties there were 2,874 units that were pulled off the market. Out of curiosity, I wanted to see how many of those expired listings were relisted in hopes better market conditions to sell in Q1 of 2024 and surprisingly only 274, or slightly less than 10%, of the previous quarter’s expired listings were relisted. I’ll be digging deeper into expired data over the next few weeks.

Key Highlights of the Week

Inventory Levels
Inventory continued its seasonal decline, with fewer active listings week over week. However, year-over-year inventory remains significantly higher compared to the same week in 2023. While fewer homes were added to the market, the elevated overall supply combined with slower buyer activity underscores a challenging environment for sellers.

Market Dynamics
New listings and “coming soon” properties declined sharply, both week over week and year over year. Pending transactions also saw a notable drop, contributing to an increase in the predictive month’s supply of inventory. This growth highlights the ongoing imbalance between supply and demand, a trend that has persisted throughout 2024.

Odds of Selling in the Next 30 Days
The Odds of Selling dipped to one of their lowest levels of the year, reflecting the seasonal slowdown. Historically, December’s Odds of Selling have hovered around 49.2% in previous market cycles, but current levels remain well below those benchmarks.

Showing Activity
Showings also declined, both on a weekly and yearly basis, with an average of just under one showing per property. For homes that went under contract, it took a median of 19 showings over 60 days, a timeline significantly longer than in previous years.

Price Reductions
The rate of price reductions continued to rise slightly, with more than half of the homes going under contract having undergone at least one price adjustment. The average size of these reductions grew, signaling that sellers are increasingly willing to negotiate to meet buyer expectations.

Looking Ahead to 2025

As we reflect on the final week of 2024, we are reminded of the opportunities that come with a new year. Thank you for making 2024 a year of growth and learning in the metro Denver real estate market. We remain committed to providing the data and insights you need to keep your clients informed and successful in their transactions.

Special thanks to Megan Aller with First American Title for the market stats/narrative.


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Carolyn Erickson Garners SMDRA 2-Carat Diamond Circle Club Award for 2023 Tue, 11 Jun 2024 18:48:02 +0000 Carolyn Erickson of NeXstep Real Estate Garners Prestigious Sales Production Award for…

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Carolyn Erickson of NeXstep Real Estate Garners Prestigious Sales Production Award for 2023 from South Metro Denver REALTOR® Association
Realtor Group Holds 12th Annual Diamond Circle Awards Celebration, April 19th at the Hyatt Regency DTC!


Centennial, Colo. – April 19, 2024 – Carolyn Erickson, a leading REALTOR® with NeXstep Real Estate of Denver, has been recognized by the South Metro Denver REALTOR® Association (SMDRA) with the 2023 Diamond Circle Club Award for Individual Residential Sales – Two Carat. SMDRA hosted its twelfth annual Diamond Circle Awards at the Hyatt Regency DTC on Friday, April 19, 2024.
In order to become a Two Carat – Individual Member of the Diamond Circle Club, a REALTOR® must have produced between $7-$11,999,999 million in volume or completed between 30-39 transactions.
“We are pleased to present Carolyn with the Diamond Circle Club Two Carat Membership for 2023,” said Jay Brown, 2024 President of SMDRA. “She has demonstrated a sincere dedication to the real estate industry during unprecedented times through dedication, perseverance, and selfless customer service, achieving success regardless of market conditions. We are proud to have Carolyn as a member of our association.”
SMDRA is a non-profit trade association that provides real estate professionals with the resources they need to help them grow and prosper in the highly competitive real estate business.
A real estate agent
 is a REALTOR® when he or she is a member of the local, state, and National Association of Realtors, NAR, The Voice for Real Estate and the world’s largest professional association. The term “REALTOR®” is a registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics, and holds themselves to a higher standard of business from other licensed agents in the real estate industry. Only real estate licensees who are members of the REALTOR® Association are properly called REALTORS®.
Master of Ceremonies for the Diamond Circle Awards was Scott Peterson, General Council with Colorado Association of REALTORS®. This event also featured a mobile platform Silent Auction with items donated by SMDRA members and local businesses, with proceeds going to benefit SMDRA REALTORS® Care Foundation.
For more information on real estate services from Carolyn Erickson call 720-470-9069 or email at For more information on SMDRA, visit

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